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Friday, 9 June 2017

One-Day Workshop For The Leadership Of Students In The University Of Nigeria


Please, this is to inform you that the Vice-Chancellor has approved a One-Day Workshop for the leadership of students in the University of Nigeria at Departmental, Faculty and SUG levels. The Workshop has been scheduled to hold on Wednesday, June 07, 2017, simultaneously at Nsukka in Niger Room, CEC, and Enugu (for UNEC and Ituku-Ozalla participants) in Main Hall, UNEC starting from 9.00am.

Kindly find attached the Programme of the Events at the two campuses mentioned above.
Appropriate invitation letters are being sent out to the participants and the Resource Performs.

Prof. Chikelue Ofuebe
Director, SERVICOM Unit

9.00am                                               –           Student participants seated
9.30am – 9.40am                             –           Introduction of the Chairman and supporters
9.40am – 9.45am                             –           National Anthem
9.45am – 9.50am                             –           University of Nigeria Song
9.55am – 9.55am                             –           Opening prayer
9.50am – 10.00am                           –           Chairman Opening Remarks
10.00am – 10.05am                         –           Welcome Address by the Director, SERVICOM
10.05am – 10.20am                       –           Speech by the Associate Dean, Students’ Affairs
10.20am – 11.05am                        –           Role of Students’ Unionism in the University System –
Prof. Aloysius-Michaels Okolie, Department of Political Science, UNN.

11.05am – 11.20am                         –           Question/ Interactive session
11.20am – 12.05pm                         –           Personal Discipline and Academic Excellence for
Student Leaders – Rev. Fr. Prof. H.C. Ichoku, Department of Economics, UNN.

12.05pm – 12.20pm                         –           Question/Interactive session
12.20pm – 1.00pm                           –           Break/Snacks
1.00pm – 1.45pm                             –           Proper Channels of Communication in the University Administration – Mr. Sam Ofoegbu, Alumni Relations Office, UNN.

1.45pm – 2.00pm                             –           Question/Interactive session
2.00pm – 2.45pm                             –           ICT and Academic Life of UNN student – Dr. Olisa Okeke – ICT – Innovation, Unit, Office of the Vice-Chancellor.
2.45pm – 3.10pm                             –           Question/Interactive session
3.10pm – 3.20pm                             –           Vote of Thanks by the Associate Dean, Students’ Affairs
3.20pm – 3.25pm                             –           Closing Remarks by the Chairman
3.25pm – 3.30pm                             –         Closing prayers/Departure

9.00am                                               –           Student participants seated
9.30am – 9.40am                             –           Introduction of the Chairman and supporters
9.40am – 9.45am                             –           National Anthem
9.45am – 9.50am                             –           University of Nigeria Song
9.55am – 9.55am                             –           Opening prayer
9.50am – 10.00am                           –           Chairman Opening Remarks
10.00am – 10.05am                         –           Welcome Address by the Director, SERVICOM
10.05am – 10.20am                       –           Speech by the Associate Dean, Students’ Affairs, UNEC
10.20am – 11.05am                        –           Role of Students’ Unionism in the University System – Prof. Joy Ezeilo – Faculty of Law, UNEC.
11.05am – 11.20am                         –           Question/ Interactive session
11.20am – 12.05pm                         –           Personal Discipline and Academic Excellence for Student Leaders – Dr. Mark Okeji, Faculty of Health Science & Tech., UNEC.
12.05pm – 12.20pm                         –           Question/Interactive session
12.20pm – 1.00pm                           –           Break/Snacks
1.00pm – 1.45pm                             –           Proper Channels of Communication in the University Administration – Mr. A.U. Onah, CEMAC, UNEC.
1.45pm – 2.00pm                             –           Question/Interactive session
2.00pm – 2.45pm                             –           ICT and Academic Life of UNN student – Dr. Olisa Okeke – ICT – Innovation, Unit, Office of the Vice-Chancellor.
2.45pm – 3.10pm                             –           Question/Interactive session
3.10pm – 3.20pm                             –           Vote of Thanks by the Associate Dean, Students’ Affairs
3.20pm – 3.25pm                             –           Closing Remarks by the Chairman
3.25pm – 3.30pm                             –         Closing prayers/Departure


The University administration wishes to apologize for the slow internet connectivity and fluctuation being experienced for some time now. This is due to an ongoing Fibre upgrade by our service provider MTN Nigeria.
This upgrade which is at an advanced stage has affected the amount of bandwidth (data) currently being supplied to the University.
On this note, the Lionet service will be temporarily unavailable from 4pm on Friday 9thJune, 2017 and Midnight on Sunday 11th June, 2017 to enable the MTN team conclude the maintenance/upgrade.
We sincerely regret any inconveniences this will cause you and promise to restore the network as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continuous understanding.
ICT Network Team

UNN Drives End Recession In Nigeria

Thursday, 8 June 2017

GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) SCHOLARSHIP FOR 2018 (Graduate Level)

Office of the Vice-Chancellor
(Information & Public Relations Unit)

Ref. No: UNN/VC/PR/133                                            Date: June 02, 2017


GOVERNMENT OF JAPAN (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) SCHOLARSHIP FOR 2018 (Graduate Level)

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) Japan, offers scholarship to international students who wish to study in graduate courses at Japanese universities as research students (either non-degree or degree students) under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Programme for 2018.

The academic year beginning in April and October 2018, is open to graduate students not more than Thirty-Five (35) years of age.

You can download the Application Forms online via: http://www.ng.emb-japan.go.jp/mext2018.html


Obtain a photocopy of the Application Form directly from:
  • The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), UNN


  • The University Public Relations Officer.

NOTE: Closing date: JUNE 09, 2017.

Okwun Omeaku – Chief (Dr.)


This is to inform members of the Convocation and the University Community that a meeting of Convocation has been fixed for Saturday, June 10, 2017 by 11.00 a.m. at Ekpo Convocation Arena to elect Convocation Representative into the Governing Council.
Accreditation will take place from 8.00a.m. to 11.00 a.m. and the following are requirements for accreditation:
(a)    For Staff of the University: Staff ID Card, Photocopy of Degree Certificate/Statement of Result and either National ID Card/Driver’s License or National Voter’s Card.
(b)   For non-Staff Members: Original Alumni ID Card, Photocopy of Degree Certificate/Statement of Result and either your National ID Card/Driver’s License or National Voter’s Card.
Voting will commence at 11.00a.m.
The updated list of membership shall be displayed from June 6 – 7, 2017 for cross-checking and correction of errors.
Wishing you God’s mercies as you come.
Best wishes.

Chris C. Igbokwe, Esq.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017


Download the pdf file

References in the body of your essay

The APA in text reference is in the format (author, date). When directly quoting from a text you must include a page number in the citation as given in the examples below. Including page numbers in all other circumstances is not required however, it is best practice to do so when referring to part of a work (e.g. a paragraph or chapter in a book). When referring to an entire work that covers a single topic (e.g. a journal article) it is not required.
Referencing an idea
  • The leading medical cause of Aboriginal mortality is due to circulatory system disease. Other important causes of death include diseases of the respiratory system and injury or poisoning (Anderson, 1999; Saggers & Gray, 1999; Thomson, 1995).
  • Anderson (1999), Thomson (1995), and Saggers and Gray (1999) all state that the leading cause of Aboriginal mortality is due to circulatory system disease, and that other important causes of death include diseases of the respiratory system and injury or poisoning.
Referencing a quotation
  • Indeed, one researcher commented that “technological innovations have saved or extended the lives of many patients” (Lumby, 2001, p. 44).
Citing a source within a source
Where your source quotes or refers to another source, for example Unsworth refers to previous work by Halliday on linguistics, the citation might read thus:
  • (Halliday, 1987, cited in Unsworth, 2004, p. 15)
Only Unsworth will appear in the Reference list at the end of your assignment

Reference list

Your reference list should be ordered alphabetically by author and then chronologically by year of publication. The APA 6th style requires the references to be indented as illustrated below in the examples.
For instances of multiple articles with the same authors and years of publication, please see the complete guide. If you have the DOI for the journal article, you should include it in the reference, otherwise, it is not necessary.
  • Lumby, J. (2001). Who cares? The changing health care system. Sydney, Australia: Allen & Unwin.
Book chapter
  • McKenzie, H., Boughton, M., Hayes, L., & Forsyth, S. (2008). Explaining the complexities and value of nursing practice and knowledge. In I. Morley & M. Crouch (Eds.), Knowledge as value: Illumination through critical prisms (pp. 209-224). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi.
Journal article
  • Boughton, M., & Halliday, L. (2008). A challenge to the menopause stereotype: Young Australian women's reflections of 'being diagnosed' as menopausal. Health & Social Care in the Community, 16(6), 565-572. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2524.2008.00777
Webpage with an author
  • Welch, N. (2000, February 21). Toward an understanding of the determinants of rural health. Retrieved from http://www.ruralhealth.org.au/welch.htm
Webpage with no author
  • ANCI national competency standards for the registered nurse and the enrolled nurse. (2000).  Retrieved from http://www.anci.org.au/competencystandards.htm
Newspaper article
  • Bagnall, D. (1998, January 27). Private schools: Why they are out in front. The Bulletin, pp. 12-15.
Government publication
  • The Health Targets and Implementation (Health for All) Committee. (1988). Health for all Australians.  Canberra, Australia: Australian Government Publishing Service.
Company and Industry Reports
  • Magner, L. (2016). IBISWorld industry report OD5381: Coffee shops in Australia. Retrieved from IBISWorld database: http://www.ibisworld.com
  • View it in PDF

Saturday, 3 June 2017




The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration), Prof. Charles Igwe on behalf of the Vice Chancellor welcoming the Hon. Minister of State for Education, Prof Anthony Anwuka on inspection visit to the University.
for more information and pictures GO HERE

2017 NNPC / Total List Of Undergraduate Successful Applicants

The 2017 NNPC/Total Undergraduate Scholarships For Nigerian Students has finally released the list of successful applicants who sat for the Total scholarship Selection Test which was conducted on Saturday December 3, 2016, at eleven (11) Centers across the Country.

A total number of three hundred and twenty-two (322) applicants were successful. Successful candidates shall be contacted through their email addresses, while hardcopies shall be sent by courier to the office of the Dean of Students Affairs of their Institution.
Download [.PDF] File

Full / Partial Undergraduate Scholarship At Humber College, Canada

Applications are ongoing for full and partial renewable tuition scholarships for international undergraduate students including Nigerians.

Humber is a multicultural environment that reflects the great diversity of Toronto and Canada. At Humber, you receive more than just an education - you gain applied training, hands-on skills and real world experience in your area of study.

The full scholarship is worth $12,800(N4,416,000) while the partial scholarship is worth $5,000 (N1,725,000)


- Applications will be considered based on academics, community involvement, referee/reference letters and statement of interest.

- Renewal of the scholarship will be based on the student’s ability to maintain a 75% GPA in each year of his/her program at Humber.

Application Process

- Applicants must apply for admission before applying for the scholarship.

- The mode of application is online. Applicants should visit this link to apply

- Applicants are advised to read the step to step application process

Application Deadline

The application deadline for this scholarship are as follows:

- Sep 29, 2017
- Feb 2, 2018
- May 19, 2018

2017 Mathematics & Science Education PhD Scholarships At University Of Rwanda

The African Center of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACE ITLM S) is offering scholarship opportunities to Africans who wants to obtain a PhD degree from the University of Rwanda.

This scholarship program will cover the followings:

- Tuition fee up to $1 900 per student per year for three years (maximum four years).

- Accommodation, living and local transport allowances up to $3000 per student per

- A round trip air ticket for some selected candidates from other African countries.


- Applicants must be Africans

- Applicants must have completed their bachelors and masters degree program.

- Applicants must have good academic records.

Application Process

The following are required during application:

- A detailed curriculum vitae of the applicant

- A recent passport sized photograph and a copy of ID (or Passport).

- Notified copies of previous degrees/certificates and transcripts

- A personal statement/motivation letter describing the candidate’s motivation to join the programs.

- Two letters of recommendations from Lecturers/supervisors from previous educational institutions.

- An abstract of Masters program dissertation

- A concept note stating the research problem, the purpose and objectives of the research, the methodology, the expected outcome and its expected impact in the area of study

Applicants must submit the soft copies of all documents (as specified in point 3 above) through the following email addresses: aceit1ms@ur.ac.rw or mahorojpacis@gmail.com

Application Deadline

The application deadline for this scholarship program is 10th July 2017.

A Candidate's JAMB score suddenly "changed" - Has this happened to Anyone?

Just read a post on one of the online educational forums that some candidates' 2017 JAMB results have been changed.

The poster who is a teacher claimed that one of his students who participated in the 2017 JAMB exam came to him crying that his results have been changed. He did not believe it until the student showed him the two different results he printed from JAMB website. His score has been changed from 243 to 184.

You can CLICK HERE to see the screen shots of the two results.

The candidate equally mentioned that one of his friends who equally participated in the 2017 JAMB exam went to recheck his score and discovered that it has been changed from 224 to 191.

Have any of you experienced the same thing? We advise all Myschoolers who participated in the 2017 JAMB exam to recheck their results and let us know if their scores have changed.

Friday, 2 June 2017

THE READING COMPETITION | Readers’ King 2017: A Finest Series Opportunity

A Reading Competition Billed For The 1st Of July, 2017.

It is a challenge meant for only those who are above the age of 16.

The participants will all be going through the hurdles of reading two recommended text and they will be tested to know the top three winners Who will go home with the star prizes of;

1st position: 30,000 naira and opportunities to feature in 3 nationwide magazines.

2nd position: 15,000 naira and opportunities to feature in 3 nationwide magazines.

3rd position: 10,000 Naira and opportunities to feature in 3 nationwide magazines.


Registration has started and its billed to end on the 20th of June, 2017.

Applicants must be 16+ of age as earlier stated and are to obtain forms from any faculty student secretariat in the university of Nigeria, nsukka.

Registration is FREE but applicants will have to pay 500 naira for the two recommended text for the competition.

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One-Day Workshop For The Leadership Of Students In The University Of Nigeria

ONE-DAY WORKSHOP FOR THE LEADERSHIP OF STUDENTS’ IN THE UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA Please, this is to inform you that the Vice-Chancellor ha...